One of the most rewarding and difficult academic programmes a student may take is the International Baccalaureate (IB).

1. Recognize the IB

Understanding the IB programme is the first step in guiding your child through it. It is true that the IB is frequently referred to as being rather complicated, but we believe that if you have a firm understanding of the fundamental components, you may determine the specific stresses and strains that your child will be experiencing.

Each student will study six distinct disciplines over the course of two years. Students must select one subject from each of the six subject areas, with the exception of the arts, where they may choose another subject from the other categories instead.

Higher Levels and Normal Levels: Most students will enrol in three topics at higher levels and three at standard levels. Higher level subjects will go deeper into more difficult themes and cover more material than standard level subjects!

The Core: All IB students are required to satisfy the core requirements. The Theory of Knowledge course, CAS, and a 4,000 word Extended Essay are all involved here.

Exams: At the conclusion of the IB, each student will take exams. Subjects also complete internal evaluations that contribute to the final grade in addition to these tests.

What Was Calculated: With a maximum of 7 points available for each subject, there are 6 

subjects taken. Up to 3 points can be earned by combining the extended essay and theory of knowledge. Thus, 45 points is the highest possible IB score! Candidates are only given the IB diploma if they receive a minimum score of 24. To achieve the IB, every student must complete CAS (creativity, activity, service)!

2. Look for Outside Assistance!

The IB is a protracted and challenging process for many pupils. It’s possible that your child is having trouble with one subject or task despite the support and instruction provided at school. Former IB students who recognised the vacuum in the market created and implemented our tutoring and video course offerings at IB Better. Let our best tutors help your kids reach their full potential! For a free 30-minute sample lesson with one of our top IB tutors, click the link above!

3. Encourage your kid to experiment with study techniques!

For a very long time, teachers told their students that they were either visual, auditory, reading and writing, or kinaesthetic thinkers. However, it seems more likely that many students need a mix of these strategies in order to perform at their best. To access linkages between content and memory, try your best to encourage your youngster to switch up their study methods.

4. Look for Outstanding Resources!

The nexus between technology and education has expanded greatly in recent years. Amazing study YouTubers, anti-procrastination applications, and even specialised websites like Khan Academy are all available! Two of our personal favourites are listed below:

Forest: Does your youngster consistently put things off? Need a way to stop them from watching the 6000th TikTok? With the help of an app called Forest, children may earn rewards for not using their phones by helping a tiny virtual garden grow. But be careful—the tree will perish if they use their phone during that time! And my, does that hurt!

Do your kids have trouble keeping up with the piles of schoolwork our instructors assign? Or perhaps their IA’s due date? or when their mocks were held? The best method to remain on top of your six subjects is to use Todoist. Add tasks to the app, then configure deadline and due date notifications. Certain to make sure they meet all deadlines!

International school applications 2023

It is always exciting to be accepted into school admission 2023. In fact, many parents say that the acceptance is a very special moment in their child’s or adolescent’s life. It’s an accomplishment that, when shared with parents, friends and schoolmates, can really bolster self-confidence. Most parents want to know how to support their child so that proud moments will not be overshadowed by worries about financial security or how to navigate the new culture.

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