One of the unfortunate realities of parenting is that you cannot constantly be present to safeguard and care for your child. As a result, when you leave your child at school, you entrust his or her safety and care to the school staff and faculty members. 

While it is the responsibility of schools to prevent tragic events and offer a safe and nurturing environment, parents must also teach their children how to defend themselves as best they can. 

They must ensure that the students are aware of potential threats at school without scaring them excessively. In fact, this should be a thing to look at for parents looking for the top cbse schools in noida. 

Top 7 safety measures that parents must check during nursery admission in noida to ensure maximum safety of the students.

  1. Surveying school infrastructure

Some Schools have weak infrastructure which become the key source of worry. Because of the schools’ weak and feeble foundations, several pupils have been injured and even lost their lives in tragic accidents. We should put off developing or maintaining rooftops until they fail and cause problems. This is a factor parents must absolutely depend on while thinking of nursery admission in Noida.

  1. Making emergency numbers available

Emergency numbers should be prominently displayed on school buses so as to attract the eyes of passengers in the event of a problem. The local police station, ambulance service, PTA authority, and school principal are among the numbers that go on the list. Identity cards with the emergency contact information of the students’ parents/guardians can also be issued for further security.

  1. Cbse schools in Noida set up a safety committee at school

In order to ensure the safety of all kids, it is always a good idea to form a safety committee involving the faculties and staff in the school. Amongst the committee’s important members should be the faculties, principal, administrative staff, security head, and parent-teacher association.

  1. Updating school safety plans

It often happens that an already designed and existing school safety plan prevails for years. This is a common cause, but more benefits can be reaped if the safety plan of the school is reviewed on a regular basis and updated with any necessary changes or additions.

Throughout the school year, new events and concerns will inevitably arise, and revising the plan once again would reflect that the best safety actions for your school are being contemplated by the management. A thorough evaluation would also help in preventing inconsistencies in policy and would act as a reminder for all the committee members to always prioritise school safety.

  1. Awareness

The school’s safety guidelines should be made available to every person who enters the school premises.

Teachers must be informed of all policies in order to be effective educators for their kids. They’re also in charge of informing you about any student obligations.

Every classroom should be given a copy of the written safety guidelines. Teachers should be encouraged to send them home with students and to have them on display in the classroom at all times. 

Also, providing some advice and resources about what to do in different scenarios in addition to the guidelines might also prove to be of massive help and create safety awareness amongst students, teachers, parents etc.

This is a programme that Cbse schools in Noida take up very seriously. They are all very particular about safety awareness and make sure every child is safe within the premises of the school.

  1. Surveying the routes to school

A majority of the mishaps occur while students commute to and from school. It is owing to a lack of attention to the safety of school paths. Many walkways are in poor condition, forcing students to stroll on the roadways and risk getting into trouble.

A handful of important elements contributing to these mishaps are the lack of speed breaks and proper signboards, among other things. The local government and school administration might undertake a route safety audit on a regular basis to identify the impediments and problems that children experience.

  1. Surveying the ambience within the school

A thorough examination of the school environment is required. When students are playing outside, a stray animal may attack them or a tree branch may fall on them. It’s possible that it’ll result in some serious casualties. School officials should ensure that pupils are in a safe and secure setting. If there is a problem, there must be some volunteers ready to help.


So, these were some of the safety measures that every school, let alone CBSE schools in Noida, should maintain. This helps in ensuring parents that their children are in safe hands, and in a safe environment, away from any danger. Reach out to us.

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