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Heat Pump Furnace: All You Need To Know About Heat Pump Furnace

Heat Pump Furnace

One heat pump can heat and cool a home at the same time. A traditional HVAC system is inefficient and provides uneven temperatures throughout the house. Heating your Birmingham, Alabama, home with a heat pump works best in places with mild winter climates. Here’s how it works.

How does a heat pump furnace work?

It is always warm in the air and on the ground, even in cold weather. The heat from a heat pump is transferred into a building from the air, land, or water. The process is reversed in the summer to cool a building; heat is taken from inside the building and released into the air or the ground. Heat pumps can be divided into three categories:

Heat pumps furnaces contain several components

A heat pump connects the indoor air handler to an outdoor unit. This type of heat pump is popular among residential clients. It consists of the following components:

An outdoor unit that contains:

Indoor equipment includes

Supplemental heat from a backup furnace

If the temperature drops below 40 degrees Fahrenheit, the heat pump’s efficiency falls. Thus, heat pumps are best suited to climates with moderate winters, such as those found in the U.S. southern regions.

Heat pumps, however, have either a heat strip or a backup system in case of shallow temperatures. When a heat strip is used, your heat pump will provide heat. Heat strips might not be the best choice for long-term heating, but they’re suitable for short-term heating. Heat pumps often function in conjunction with gas, oil, or electric furnace that continues to provide enough heat, keeping your family comfortable. Such an HVAC system is referred to as dual-fuel. During the winter, you won’t have to worry about being cold.

Increases the efficiency of your home

The majority of homes are heated only by their furnaces. The furnace generates heat by burning fossil fuels, such as oil, gas, or propane. There are also electric furnaces. For a heat pump to work, heat must be transferred between sources. Therefore, it is an environmentally friendly and highly energy-efficient heating and cooling system.

Although a heat pump sometimes relies on electricity to run, and the furnace may occasionally kick on, it mainly depends on renewable energy from the air, earth, or water. By investing in a heat pump, you can reduce carbon dioxide entering the atmosphere. Heat pumps are a sensible choice because of the mild winters in Birmingham, Hoover, and the surrounding areas.

Dual-fuel setup

As a packaged or split system, a dual fuel system combines two types of energy: an electric heat pump and a gas furnace. Heat pumps and gas furnaces can work together to give you both heating and cooling capabilities due to the seamless alternating between these two energy sources for heating comfort.

How does dual fuel work?

A heat pump unit is designed to keep your home cool and comfortable even when the temperature is exceptionally high, so it can function just like a central air conditioner when your thermostat calls for cool air.

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The heat pump provides warm air to your home, reversing the refrigerant flow when you need moderate heating output. The heat pump works like a traditional heat pump. An electric heat pump will pause if the heating demand exceeds the preset heating capacity of a dual fuel system, and a gas furnace will take over until the indoor temperature reaches the temperature designated by your thermostat or control system. The thermostat or control system can be set to switch the system between the heat pump and the gas furnace. Even on the coldest winter days, your dual fuel heating system provides consistent, reliable, and energy-efficient heating.

Energy costs and efficiency

An effective dual-fuel system may reduce heating costs by maximizing the efficiency of specific energy sources, like electricity and natural gas.

However, heat source efficiency is only one aspect of the equation. Depending on your location, the cost of electricity and natural gas may influence the cost-effectiveness of dual-fuel systems. The Energy Information Association2 says that basic energy prices (natural gas, electricity, heating oil) are more volatile than prices for other commodities. Energy prices are influenced by local factors such as power plant proximity, local distribution costs, and price regulation. Hawaii had an estimated annual average electricity price of 26.17 cents per kWh in 2015, and Washington had an estimated yearly average electricity price of 7.41 cents per kWh3.

After determining the switch point yourself or your dealer, dual fuel systems can be evaluated for cost and efficiency. As a result, your energy cost may decrease, and your comfort level may increase if switching from the heat pump to the gas furnace reduces the time it takes to reach the desired temperature. Even though electricity may be less expensive than natural gas in some areas, it may cost you more if you use your heat pump longer to maintain the required indoor temperature.

Heat pumps and gas furnaces may be utilized in combination to provide homeowners with energy cost savings. A licensed expert HVAC dealer can provide you with information on the utility pricing options in your area and the potential savings a dual fuel system may offer.

Advantages of Heat Pump Furnaces

Disadvantages of Heat Pump Furnaces


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